For more secure installations, these instructions demonstrate how to harden a
Insert excerpt |
| ApplicationName |
| ApplicationName |
nopanel | trueApplicationName |
Note |
The web administration console is not compatible with Internet Explorer 7 |
To harden
Insert excerpt |
| ApplicationName |
| ApplicationName |
nopanel | true | ApplicationName |
for security purposes, disable the Web Administration Console so that users do not have access. All configuration is done via the
Insert excerpt |
| ApplicationName |
| ApplicationName |
nopanel | trueApplicationName |
command line console and/or
configuration files.
Code Block |
features:install webconsole |
Include Page |
| SSL Enable Services |
| SSL Enable Services |
Include Page |
| SSL Enabled Sources |
| SSL Enabled Sources |
Insert excerpt |
| ApplicationName |
| ApplicationName |
nopanel | true |
Without the Web Administration Console Info |
Depending on the environment, it may be easier for integrators and administrators to configure Insert excerpt |
| ApplicationName |
| ApplicationName |
nopanel | true | ApplicationName |
| using the Web Administration Console prior to disabling it and switching to SSL. The Web Administration Console can be re-enabled for additional configuration changes. |
In an environment hardened for security purposes, access to the
Insert excerpt |
| ApplicationName |
| ApplicationName |
nopanel | trueApplicationName |
Web Administration Console will be denied. It is necessary to configure
Insert excerpt |
| ApplicationName |
| ApplicationName |
nopanel | trueApplicationName |
(e.g., providers, Schematron rulesets, etc.) either using
configuration files or by using the Karaf command line console. The OSGi container detects the addition, updating, or deletion of
files in the
The following sections describe how to configure each
Insert excerpt |
| ApplicationName |
| ApplicationName |
nopanel | true | ApplicationName |
item using both of these mechanisms. A template file is provided for each configurable
Insert excerpt |
| ApplicationName |
| ApplicationName |
nopanel | trueApplicationName |
item so that it can be copied/renamed and then modified with settings.
Note |
If at a later time the Web Administration console is enabled again, all of the configuration done via .cfg files and/or the Karaf command line console are loaded and displayed. However, note that the name of the .cfg file is not used in the admin console. Rather, OSGi assigns a universally unique identifier (UUID) when the Insert excerpt |
| ApplicationName |
| ApplicationName |
nopanel | trueApplicationName |
| item was created and displays this UUID in the console (e.g., OpenSearchSource.112f298e-26a5-4094-befc-79728f216b9b ) |
Templates included with
Insert excerpt |
| ApplicationName |
| ApplicationName |
nopanel | true | ApplicationName |
Insert excerpt |
| ApplicationName |
| ApplicationName |
nopanel | true | ApplicationName |
| Service | Template File Name | Factory PID | Configurable Properties (from Insert excerpt |
| ApplicationName |
| ApplicationName |
nopanel | trueApplicationName |
| Users Guide) |
DDF Catalog Framework | ddf.catalog.impl.service.CatalogFrameworkImpl.cfg
| ddf.catalog.CatalogFrameworkImpl | Standard Catalog Framework |