Configuration via the Web Console

Configuration via the Web Console


Accessing the Web Console

Open the web administration console.

The default username/password is admin/admin. To change this refer to the Hardening section.


Configuring DDF Platform Global Settings

  1. Open the web administration console.

    The default username/password is admin/admin. To change this refer to the Hardening section.

  2. Select the Configuration tab
  3. Select the Platform Global Configuration bundle
  4. Enter the  DDF configuration values per the Configurable Properties table below.
  5. Select the "Save" Button


Configurable Properties

ProtocolprotocolStringDefault protocol that should be used to connect to this machine.httpyes
HosthostStringThe host name or IP address of the machine that DDF is running on. Do not enter localhost. yes
PortportStringThe port that DDF is running on. yes
Trust StoretrustStoreStringThe trust store used for outgoing SSL connections. Path is relative to ddf.home.etc/keystores/clientTruststore.jksno
Trust Store PasswordtrustStorePasswordStringThe password associated with the trust store.changeit (encrypted)no
Key StorekeyStoreStringThe key store used for outgoing SSL connections. Path is relative to karaf.home.etc/keystores/clientKeystore.jksno
Key Store PasswordkeyStorePasswordStringThe password associated with the key store.changeit (encrypted)no
Site NameidStringThe site name for DDFddf.distributionyes

The version of DDF that is running.

This value should not be changed from the factory default.


OrganizationorganizationStringThe organization responsible for this installation of DDFCodice Foundationyes

Managing Features

DDF includes many components, packaged as features, that can be installed and/or uninstalled without restarting the system. Features are collections of OSGi bundles, configuration data, and/or other features. For more information on the features that come with DDF, including a list of the ones included, consult the DDF Included Features page in the Software Version Description Document (SVDD).

Transitive Dependencies

Features may have dependencies on other features and will auto-install them as needed.


Installing Features via the Web Console

  1. Open the web administration console.

    The default username/password is admin/admin. To change this refer to the Hardening section.

  2. Select the Features tab.
  3. Click on the 'Play' arrow under the Actions column for the feature that should be installed.
  4. Wait for the Status to change from Uninstalled to Installed
  5. Optional: Check Bundle Status
    1. Select the Bundles tab
    2. Scroll down to the associated bundles and verify they were installed with a status of Active


Uninstalling Features

  1. Open the web administration console.

    The default username/password is admin/admin. To change this refer to the Hardening section.

  2. Select the Features tab.
  3. Click on the 'Eject' icon under the Actions column for the feature that should be uninstalled.
  4. Wait for the Status to change from Installed to Uninstalled
  5. Optional: Check Bundle Status
    1. Select the Bundles tab
    2. Verify the absence of the associated bundle(s)


Adding Feature Repositories

  1. Open the web administration console.

    The default username/password is admin/admin. To change this refer to the Hardening section.

  2. Select the Features tab.
  3. Enter the URL to the feature repository (see below) to be added and click the Add URL button.
  4. The new feature repository should be added to the list of Feature Repositories above where you entered the URL.

There are several ways a new feature repository can be discovered based on the URL entered.

The URL can contain the fully qualified path to the feature repository, e.g.,mvn:https://tools.codice.org/artifacts/content/groups/public/ddf-standard/2.2.0/xml/features. This URL can include the username and password credentials if necessary. e.g., mvn:https://user/password@tools.codice.org/artifacts/content/groups/public/ddf-standard/2.2.0/xml/features. Note that the password will be in clear text.

The URL can just be the mvn URL, e.g., mvn:ddf.features/ddf-standard/2.2/xml/features ddf-standard/2.2.0/xml/features and the feature repositories configured for DDF will be searched.

Repositories to be searched by DDF can be configured in one of several ways:

  • By setting the org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories property in the <DDF_INSTALL_DIR>/etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg file (most common)
  • or by setting the org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.settings property in the <DDF_INSTALL_DIR>/etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg file to the maven settings.xml file that specifies the repository(ies) to be searched
    Note that a settings.xml template file for this configuration is provided in <DDF_INSTALL_DIR>/etc/templates/settings.xml
  • or by having a maven settings.xml file in the <USER_HOME_DIR>/.m2 directory of the user running DDF that specifies the repository(ies) to be searched (this would be typical for a developer)

The simplest approach is to specify the fully qualified URL to the feature repository.


Known Issues

Blank Web Console

DDF uses Pax Web as part of its HTTP support. Modifying the Pax Web runtime configuration in the web console may cause the web console to freeze.


Use the configuration instructions according to the hardening instructions.


Additional Information

For more information on the Web Console see the following link: http://felix.apache.org/site/apache-felix-web-console.html