OpenSearch Source Config

OpenSearch Source Config

Configuring the OpenSearch Source

Configurable Properties

Source NameshortnameString DDF-OSYes
OpenSearch service URLendpointUrlStringThe OpenSearch endpoint URL, e.g., DDF's OpenSearch endpoint ({searchTerms}...)https://example.com?q={searchTerms}&src={fs:routeTo?}&mr={fs:maxResults?}&count={count?}&mt={fs:maxTimeout?}&dn={idn:userDN?}&lat={geo:lat?}&lon={geo:lon?}&radius={geo:radius?}&bbox={geo:box?}&polygon={geo:polygon?}&dtstart={time:start?}&dtend={time:end?}&dateName={cat:dateName?}&filter={fsa:filter?}&sort={fsa:sort?}Yes

Always perform

local query


Always performs a local query by setting src=local OpenSearch parameter in endpoint URL. This must be set if federating to another DDF.


Convert to BBoxshouldConvertToBBoxBooleanConverts Polygon and Point-Radius searches to a Bounding Box for compatibility with legacy interfaces. Generated bounding box is a very rough representation of the input geometrytrueYes
Truststore File LocationtrustStoreLocationStringTruststore is only required for secure OpenSearch endpoints. This is the local file location of a java keystore that contains the trusted root certificates for the server being called. For the official servers this is the "store.jks" file attached to the Configuring a Java Keystore for Secure Communications page.trustStore.jksNo
Truststore PasswordtrustStorePasswordStringThe password of the above truststore.passwordNo
Keystore File LocationkeyStoreLocationStringThis is the local file location of a java keystore that contains the client certificates sent to the server and used for client authentication. This should be a personal ECA Cert that has been exported and converted from PKCS12 to a Java keystore (.jks).keyStore.jksNo
Keystore PasswordkeyStorePasswordStringThe password of the above keystore. This should be the same password that used when exporting the client cert.passwordNo

Information on creating keystores and truststores can be found on the Configuring a Java Keystore for Secure Communications page.