The Metacard Groomer Pre-Ingest Plugin makes modifications to CreateRequest and UpdateRequest metacards.This plugin makes the following modifications when metacards are in a CreateRequest:
- Overwrites the Metacard.ID field with a generated, unique, 32 character hexadecimal value
- Overwrites the Metacard.CREATED date with a current timestamp
- Overwrites the Metacard.MODIFIED date with a current timestamp
The plugin also makes the following modifications when metacards are in an UpdateRequest:
- If no value is provided for Metacard.ID in the new Metacard, it will be set using the UpdateRequest ID if applicable.
- If no value is provided, sets the Metacard.CREATED date with the Metacard.MODIFIED date so that the Metacard.CREATEDdate is not null.
- Overwrites the Metacard.MODIFIED date with a current timestamp
Use this pre-ingest plugin as a convenience to apply basic rules for your metacards.
Installation and Uninstallation
This plugin can be installed and uninstalled using the normal processes described in the Configuration section.
No configuration is necessary for this plugin.
Known Issues