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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


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Resource Description
Resource Description
nopaneltrueResource Description

A resource object in

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 contains an InputStream with the binary data of the resource.  It describes that resource with a name, which could be a file name, URI, or another identifier.  It also contains a mime type or content type which a client can use to know how to interpret the binary data.   


Metacards are used to describe a resource through metadata.  This metadata includes the time the resource was created, the location where the resource was created, etc.  A 

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 Metacard contains the getResourceUri method which is used to locate and retrieve its corresponding resource.


When a client attempts to retrieve a resource, it must provide a metacard ID or URI corresponding to a unique resource.  As mentioned above, the resource URI is obtained from a Metacard's getResourceUri method.  The CatalogFramework has three methods that can be used by clients to obtain a resource: getEnterpriseResource, getResource, and getLocalResource.  The getEnterpriseResource method invokes the retrieveResource method on a local ResourceReader as well as all the Federated and Connected Sources in the

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 enterprise.  The second method, getResource, takes in a source ID as a parameter and only invokes retrieveResource on the specified Source.  The third method invokes retrieveResource on a local ResourceReader

The parameter for each of these methods in the CatalogFramework is a ResourceRequest

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includes two implementations of ResourceRequestResourceRequestById and ResourceRequestByProductUri.  Since these implementations extend OperationImpl, they can pass a Map of generic properties through the CatalogFramework to customize how the resource request is carried out.  One example of this is explained under the Options heading below.  The following is a basic example of how to create a ResourceRequest and invoke the CatalogFramework resource retrieval methods to process the request.  


BinaryContent is an object used as a container to store translated or transformed

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 components.  Resource extends BinaryContent and includes a getName method.  BinaryContent has methods to get the InputStream, byte array, MIME type, and size of the represented binary data.  An implementation of BinaryContent (BinaryContentImpl) can be found in the Catalog API in the package.