Working with Resources

Working with Resources


A Resource is a URI-addressable entity that is represented by a Metacard. Resources may also be known as products or data.

Resources may exist either locally or on a remote data store.

Examples of Resources include:

  • NITF image
  • MPEG video
  • Live video stream
  • Audio recording
  • Document

A resource object in DDF contains an InputStream with the binary data of the resource.  It describes that resource with a name, which could be a file name, URI, or another identifier.  It also contains a mime type or content type which a client can use to know how to interpret the binary data.   

Metacards and Resources

Metacards are used to describe a resource through metadata.  This metadata includes the time the resource was created, the location where the resource was created, etc.  A DDF Metacard contains the getResourceUri method which is used to locate and retrieve its corresponding resource.

Retrieve Resource

When a client attempts to retrieve a resource, it must provide a metacard ID or URI corresponding to a unique resource.  As mentioned above, the resource URI is obtained from a Metacard's getResourceUri method.  The CatalogFramework has three methods that can be used by clients to obtain a resource: getEnterpriseResource, getResource, and getLocalResource.  The getEnterpriseResource method invokes the retrieveResource method on a local ResourceReader as well as all the Federated and Connected Sources in the DDF enterprise.  The second method, getResource, takes in a source ID as a parameter and only invokes retrieveResource on the specified Source.  The third method invokes retrieveResource on a local ResourceReader

The parameter for each of these methods in the CatalogFramework is a ResourceRequest.  DDF includes two implementations of ResourceRequestResourceRequestById and ResourceRequestByProductUri.  Since these implementations extend OperationImpl, they can pass a Map of generic properties through the CatalogFramework to customize how the resource request is carried out.  One example of this is explained under the Options heading below.  The following is a basic example of how to create a ResourceRequest and invoke the CatalogFramework resource retrieval methods to process the request.  

Retrieve Resource Example
Map<String, Serializable> properties = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();
properties.put("PropertyKey1", "propertyA"); //properties to customize Resource retrieval
ResourceRequestById resourceRequest = new ResourceRequestById("0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef", properties); //object containing ID of Resource to be retrieved 
String sourceName = "LOCAL_SOURCE"; //the Source ID or name of the local Catalog or a Federated Source
ResourceResponse resourceResponse; //object containing the retrieved Resource and the request that was made to get it.
resourceResponse = catalogFramework.getResource(resourceRequest, sourceName); //Source-based retrieve Resource request 
Resource resource = resourceResponse.getResource(); //actual Resource object containing InputStream, mime type, and Resource name

ddf.catalog.resource.ResourceReader instances can be discovered via the OSGi Service Registry. The system can contain multiple ResourceReaders.  The CatalogFramework determines which one to call based on the scheme of the resource's URI and what schemes the ResourceReader supports.  The supported schemes are obtained by a ResourceReader's getSupportedSchemes method.  As an example, one ResourceReader may know how to handle file-based URIs with the scheme file, whereas another ResourceReader may support HTTP based URIs with the scheme http.

The ResourceReader or Source is responsible for locating the resource, reading its bytes, adding the binary data to a Resource implementation, then returning that Resource in a ResourceResponse.  The ResourceReader or Source is also responsible for determining the Resource's name and mime type, which it sends back in the Resource implementation.  

See the Developing a Resource Reader section or the Developing a Source section in the Developer's Guide for more information and examples.  


Options can be specified on a retrieve resource request made through any of the supporting endpoint.  To specify an option for a retrieve resource request, the endpoint needs to first instantiate a ResourceRequestByProductUri or a ResourceRequestById.  Both of these ResourceRequest implementations allow a Map of properties to be specified.  Put the specified option into the Map under the key RESOURCE_OPTION.  

Retrieve Resource with Options
Map<String, Serializable> properties = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();
properties.put("RESOURCE_OPTION", "OptionA");
ResourceRequestById resourceRequest = new ResourceRequestById("0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef", properties);

Depending on the support that the ResourceReader or Source provides for options, the properties Map will be checked for the RESOURCE_OPTION entry.  If that entry is found, the option will be handled however the ResourceReader or Source supports options.  If the ResourceReader or Source does not support options, that entry will be ignored.

A new ResourceReader or Source implementation can be created to support options however is most appropriate.  Since the option is passed through the catalog framework as a property, the ResourceReader or Source will have access to that option as long as the endpoint supports options.       

Store Resource

Resources are saved using a ResourceWriterddf.catalog.resource.ResourceWriter instances can be discovered via the OSGi Service Registry. Once retrieved, the ResourceWriter instance provides clients a way to store resources and get a corresponding URI that can be used to subsequently retrieve the resource via a ResourceReader.  Simply invoke either of the storeResource methods with a resource and any potential arguments.

The ResourceWriter implementation is responsible for determining where the resource is saved and how.  This allows flexibility for a resource to be saved in any one of  a variety of data stores or file systems.  The following is an example of how to use a generic implementation of ResourceWriter.

Store Resource
InputStream inputStream = <Video_Input_Stream>; //InputStream of raw Resource data
MimeType mimeType = new MimeType("video/mpeg"); //Mime Type or content type of Resource
String name = "Facility_Video";  //Descriptive Resource name
Resource resource = new ResourceImpl(inputStream, mimeType, name);
Map<String, Object> optionalArguments = new HashMap<String, Object>();
ResourceWriter writer = new ResourceWriterImpl();
URI resourceUri; //URI that can be used to retrieve Resource
resourceUri = writer.storeResource(resource, optionalArguments); //Null can be passed in here

See the Developing a Resource Writer section in the Developer's Guide for more information and examples. 


BinaryContent is an object used as a container to store translated or transformed DDF components.  Resource extends BinaryContent and includes a getName method.  BinaryContent has methods to get the InputStream, byte array, MIME type, and size of the represented binary data.  An implementation of BinaryContent (BinaryContentImpl) can be found in the Catalog API in the ddf.catalog.data package.