Developing an Endpoint

Developing an Endpoint


  1. Understand the desired component for development as described in the DDF Catalog section.
  2. Have an IDE and the ability to create OSGi bundles.
  3. Understand the Use of the Whiteboard Design Pattern section and how to publish services to the OSGi service registry.


Endpoints expose the Catalog Framework to Endpoint clients that work with metadata.  Common Endpoint operations include create, update, delete, and query.  SOAP and REST are two example protocols that are exposed as Endpoints.  See Included Endpoints for more examples.

Creating a New Endpoint

Creating an Endpoint consists of five main steps:

  1. Create a Java class that implements the Endpoint's business logic. Example: Creating a web service that external clients can invoke.
  2. Add Endpoint's business logic, invoking CatalogFramework calls as needed.  
  3. Import the DDF packages to the bundle's manifest for run-time (in addition to any other required packages):

    Import-Package: ddf.catalog, ddf.catalog.*

    It is recommended to use the maven bundle plugin to create the Endpoint bundle's manifest as opposed to directly editing the manifest file.

  4. Retrieve an instance of CatalogFramework from the OSGi registry.
  5. Deploy the packaged service to DDF.

No implementation of an interface is required

Unlike other DDF components that require you to implement a standard interface, no implementation of an interface is required in order to create an endpoint.

Common Endpoint Business Logic

IngestAdd, modify, and remove metadata using the ingest-related CatalogFramework methods: createupdate, and delete
QueryRequest metadata using the query method.
SourceGet available Source information.
ResourceRetrieve products referenced in Metacards from Sources.
TransformConvert common Catalog Framework data types to and from other data formats.

See Working with the Catalog Framework for more details.