DDF Data Migration
Data Migration is the process of moving metadata from one catalog provider to another. It is also the process of translating metadata from one format to another. Data migration is necessary when a user decides to use metadata from one catalog provider in another catalog provider. The instructions will show how to transfer metadata from one catalog provider to another catalog provider. In addition, the instructions will show how to convert metadata to different data formats.
Start DDF as instructed at Starting and Stopping
Move Metadata from Catalog Provider to Another Catalog Provider
Export metadata out of Catalog Provider
- Configure a desired Catalog Provider
From the command line of DDF console, use the dump command to export all metadata from catalog provider into serialized data files. The block below shows a command for running on Linux and a command for running on Windows.
ddf@localdump "/myDirectory/exportFolder" or dump "C:/myDirectory/exportFolder"
Ingest exported metadata into Another Catalog Provider
Configure a different Catalog Provider
From the command line of DDF console, use the ingest command to import exported metadata from serialized data files into catalog provider. The block below shows a command for running on Linux and a command for running on Windows.
ddf@localingest -p "/myDirectory/exportFolder" or ingest -p "C:/myDirectory/exportFolder"
Translate Metadata from one Format to Another
Metadata can be converted from one data format to another format. Only the data format would change but the content of the metadata do not as long as the option -p is use with the ingest command. The process for converting metadata is by ingest a data file into a catalog provider in one format and dump it out into a file in another format. Additional information for ingest and dump commands are at Catalog Commands.