Text File Writer


Source Code: https://github.com/testify/TextFileWriter.git

Latest Snapshot: Coming Soon

Latest Release: Coming Soon


The Text File Writer is a Testify writer service that creates individual .txt result files for each test file. Each result file includes the name of the test file and includes "-FAILED" if the test resulted in one or more failed assertions. The body of the result file includes the name and result of the test at the top. It then displays the endpoint, test body, assertions with results, and the processor response. If the processor response includes a response code, response headers, or response attachments, these will be included at the bottom of the result file. This writer will also add a timestamp to the result folder which is set up by the Testify engine to mirror the test file directory.

Example Result File

Results for test: 1-generateId.xml --------- Success

Endpoint: http://localhost:1234/Ingest

Test: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:java="java:webservice.ingest" xmlns:java1="java:webservice.data">
                    <java1:className>Class Name</java1:className>
                <java1:geometryWKT>POINT (0 0)</java1:geometryWKT>

Assertion Results: 
Assertion: NotSOAPFaultAssertion Result: Success
Assertion: XPathAssertion::count(//*[local-name()='id' and namespace-uri()='java:webservice.ingest'])=1 Result: Success
Assertion: NotContainsAssertion::192837465 Result: Success

Response: <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><soap:Body><ns2:createCatalogEntryResponse xmlns="java:webservice.data" xmlns:ns2="java:webservice.ingest"><ns2:id>98ff3554d1784d</ns2:id></ns2:createCatalogEntryResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>