File System Storage Provider

File System Storage Provider


The File System Storage Provider provides the implementation to create/update/delete content items as files in the DDF Content Repository.The File System Storage Provider is an implementation of the Storage Provider interface. When installed, it is invoked by the Content Framework to create, update, or delete a file in the DDF Content Repository.

For create operations, the File System Storage Provider (using the MimeTypeMapper) examines the mime type of the content item and determines the extension to use for the file to be stored.  The File System Storage Provider also auto-generates a Globally Unique ID (GUID) for the content item. This GUID is used as the sub-directory for the content item's location in the Content Repository. This is to insure the files in the Content Repository are more evenly distributed rather than all being stored in one monolithic directory. The content is stored using the file name specified in the create request.

As an example, if the content item's mime type was image/nitf, then:

  • the file extension would be .nitf
  • a GUID would be auto-generated (an example GUID would be 54947df8-0e9e-4471-a2f9-9af509fb5889)
  • the file name is specified in the create request (example: myfile.nitf)
  • the location in the Content Repository would be determined based on the GUID and the file name specified in the request 
    (example: 54947df80e9e4471a2f99af509fb5889/myfile.nitf)
For read operations, the File System Storage Provider reads the content file with the GUID specified in the ReadRequest.

For update operations, the File System Storage Provider updates the content file with the content item's new InputStream contents. The GUID of the content file to be updated is included in the UpdateRequest.

For delete operations, the File System Storage Provider deletes the content file with the GUID specified in the DeleteRequest.


 A sub-directory is created for each entry in the content store, so there will be limitations based on the file system that is used, i.e., the maximum amount of sub-directories supported for a file system.



Use the File System Storage Provider if create/read/update/delete of content item's to a file system are desired.

Installation and Uninstallation

The File System Storage Provider is packaged as the content-core-filesystemstorageprovider feature and can be installed and uninstalled using the normal processes described in the Configuration section of the Administrator's Guide. This feature is installed by default.


The location used for content storage can be configured in the webconsole under Configuration -> Content File System Storage Provider.

Known Issues
