


The SearchUI is a QueryResponseTransformer that not only provides results in a html format but also provides a convenient, simple querying user interface. It is primarily used as a test tool and verification of configuration. The left pane of the SearchUI contains basic fields to query the Catalog and other Sources. The right pane consists of the results returned from the query. 

Query Response Result Mapping

SearchUI Column TitleCatalog ResultNotes
TitleMetacard.TITLEThe title maybe hyperlinked to view the full Metacard
SourceMetacard.getSourceId()Source where the Metacard was discoved
LocationMetacard.LOCATIONGeographical location of the Metacard
TimeMetacard.CREATED or Metacard.EFFECTIVETime received/created
ThumbnailMetacard.THUMBNAILNo column shown if no results have thumbnail
ResourceMetacard.RESOURCE_URINo column shown if no results have a resource

Search Criteria

The SearchUI allows for querying a Catalog in the following methods:

  • Keyword Search - searching with keywords using the grammar of the underlying endpoint/Catalog.
  • Temporal Search - searching based on relative or absolute time.
  • Spatial search - searching spatially with a Point-Radius or Bounding Box. 
  • Content Type Search - searching for specific Metacard.CONTENT_TYPE values

Sample Output


In order to obtain the SearchUI, a user must use the transformer with an endpoint that queries the Catalog such as the OpenSearch Endpoint. If a distribution is running locally, clicking on the following link http://localhost:8181/search should bring up the SearchUI.

After the page has loaded, enter the desired search criteria in the appropriate fields. Then click the "Search" button in order to execute the search on the Catalog.

The "Clear" button will reset the query criteria specified.


Catalog Transformers App will install this feature when deployed. This transformer's feature, catalog-transformer-ui, can be uninstalled or installed using the normal processes described in the Configuration section.


In the Admin Console the SearchUI can be configured under the Catalog HTML Query Response Transformer.

Configurable Properties

Specifies the header text to be rendered on the SearchUI



FooterfooterStringSpecifies the footer text to be rendered on the SearchUI





Specifies the path to the Template


Text ColorcolorStringSpecifies the Text Color of the Header and Footeryellowyes
Background ColorbackgroundStringSpecifies the Background Color of the Header and Footergreenyes

Known Issues

If the SearchUI results do not provide usable links on the metacard results, verify that a valid host has been entered in the Platform Global Configuration.