Pre-Get Resource Plugin
Pre-Get Resource plugins are invoked before a request to retrieve a resource is sent to a Source. This is an opportunity to take any action on the request, including but not limited to:
- validation
- logging
- auditing
- optimization
- security filtering
Failure Behavior
In the event that this Catalog Plugin cannot operate but does not wish to fail the transaction, a PluginExecutionException will be thrown. For any other Exceptions, the Catalog will "fail safe" and the Operation will be cancelled. If processing is to be explicitly stopped, a StopProcessingException will be thrown.
Failure Behavior
In the event that this Catalog Plugin cannot operate but does not wish to fail the transaction, a PluginExecutionException will be thrown. For any other Exceptions, the Catalog will "fail safe" and the Operation will be cancelled. If processing is to be explicitly stopped, a StopProcessingException will be thrown.
Pre-Get Resource plugins are invoked serially, prioritized by descending OSGi service ranking. That is, the plugin with the highest service ranking will be executed first.
The output of the first plugin is sent to the next plugin, until all have executed and the request is sent to the targeted Source.