Security STS

Security STS


The Security STS application contains the bundles and services necessary to run and talk to a Security Token Service (STS). It builds off of the Apache CXF STS code and add components specific to DDF functionality. 


Bundle NameLocated in FeatureDescription / Link to Bundle Page
security-sts-clientconfigsecurity-sts-realmSecurity STS Client Config
security-sts-realmsecurity-sts-realmSecurity STS Realm
security-sts-ldaploginsecurity-sts-ldaploginSecurity STS LDAP Login
security-sts-ldapclaimshandlersecurity-sts-serverSecurity STS LDAP Claims Handler
security-sts-serversecurity-sts-serverSecurity STS Server
security-sts-samlvalidatorsecurity-sts-serverContains the default CXF SAML validator, exposes it as a service for the STS.
security-sts-x509validatorsecurity-sts-serverContains the default CXF x509 validator, exposes it as a service for the STS.