JSch Test Processor

JSch Test Processor


Source Code: https://github.com/testify/JSchTestProcessor.git

Latest Snapshot: Coming Soon

Latest Release: Coming Soon


The JSch Test Processor is a Testify processor service that utilizes the JSch implementation to send SSH messages and store responses. The processor is designed to support multiple messages per test file. Every line break in the test block represents a new command that will be sent sequentially. To use this processor, write "JSchTestProcessor" (not case sensitive) in the processor type section of the test file. This processor does not support any sub-elements that within the test block element but it does utilize a configuration value if provided. By default, the processor waits 30 seconds for a full response before timing out. A user can optionally set a different timeout in a configuration file by setting the property name of "jschtestprocessor.response.timeout" to the timeout time in milliseconds. Only one endpoint can be set for this processor, even if there are multiple messages. The endpoint must be formatted using this template: USERNAME:PASSWORD@IP:PORT

Processor Output

This processor returns a response message containing the full session script including all messages and responses.

Example Test Block

Below is an example test block. The text below would be placed in the test block section (as defined by the Testify Test Parser service) of the test file.

Test Block
catalog:ingest -t xml ${prep.dataset.path1}
catalog:ingest -t xml ${prep.dataset.path2}