JWSDL Test Processor

JWSDL Test Processor


Source Code: https://github.com/testify/JWSDLTestProcessor.git

Latest Snapshot: Coming Soon

Latest Release: Coming Soon


The JWSDL Test Processor is a Testify processor service that utilizes the Java API to send SOAP requests and store responses. Only one request can be sent per test file. To use this processor, write "JWSDLTestProcessor" (not case sensitive) in the processor type section of the test file. This processor supports no additional required and optional sub-elements and does not utilize any configuration values.

Processor Output

This processor returns a response message.

Example Test Block

Below is an example test block for a SOAP ingest. This would be placed in the test block section (as defined by the Testify Test Parser service) of the test file.

Test Block
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:java="java:webservice.ingest" xmlns:java1="java:webservice.data">
                    <java1:className>Class Name</java1:className>
                <java1:geometryWKT>POINT (0 0)</java1:geometryWKT>