Add Keystore Action

Add Keystore Action


Source Code: https://github.com/testify/AddKeyStoreAction.git

Latest Snapshot: Coming Soon

Latest Release: Coming Soon


The Add Key Store Action is a Testify action service that stores a KeyStore and KeyStore password, if provided, into the Java system properties. To use this action, write "AddKeystoreAction" (not case sensitive) in one of the action phase sections of the test file. The action looks for property names of "testify.keystore" and "testify.storepass" in the Testify properties and stores the associated values under Java system properties of "javax.net.ssl.keyStore" and "javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword" respectively. A user can set the Key Store Testify properties using a configuration file or by setting them as part of another service. Either one of the two properties mentioned can be set by this action without the other property.

Action Information

This action does not use any action information.