Store Response Property Action

Store Response Property Action


Source Code: https://github.com/testify/StoreResponsePropertyAction.git

Latest Snapshot: Coming Soon

Latest Release: Coming Soon


The Store Response Property Action is a Testify action service that stores a value from a response object into the Testify properties for later services or tests. These stored values could be inserted into future tests using variables in the test files. To use this action, the user must provide the action name, "StoreResponsePropertyAction" (not case sensitive), followed by "::" and action information.

Action Information

The action information includes a property name, start flag, and end flag separated by "==". An "==" at the end of the end flag could be used to show where the end flag finishes (which is useful for end flags that have blank spaces). Any characters within the response that are found between the start flag and end flag will be stored into the Testify properties under the property name provided. The example text below shows the format for this action. In the example text, any characters between "StartChar" and "EndChar" would be stored in the Testify properties under the name "PropertyName". This action text would be placed within one of the action phase blocks.

Action Block