Reviewer's Cheat Sheet
Reviewer's Cheat Sheet
In no particular order, these are smells to watch out for when reviewing your own or others' code.
- Always specify concrete implementations with the abstract factory pattern. For example, when working with XML libraries.
- Never rely on
, because then you are at the mercy of the classloader. Always specify the implementation you want to use, either inFactory.newInstance(ImplClass, classloader)
or in a system property or config file.
- Never rely on
- APIs should be double-checked for internal packaging and experimental headers. This is especially true for new APIs.
- Good OO design
- Most business logic should be pure POJOs. Do not couple to OSGi details.
- Modules should be loosely coupled, especially across codebases.
- Interfaces should be clear and well-defined. Strongly-typed, well-commented, with unambiguous variable names.
- Apply defensive coding practices, especially in any code that is accessible from outside the system.
- Unit tests should test behavior, not implementation. POJOs that cannot be fully exercised through their interfaces are usually in need of rewrite.
- Code should be self-documenting as much as possible.
- When in doubt, comment.
- Question the names of variables, methods, and classes. Naming things is hard, but it's better to get it right the first time than it is to deal with refactoring later.
- Any code that touches a core area, such as CatalogFramework, Platform, or Security, should be even more carefully scrutinized, as these areas can impact the entire system.
- Favor convention when architecting new functionality. Code that can't be explained using design patterns is often questionable at best.
- Avoid Not Invented Here Syndrome. We rely heavily on open-source suites like Apache and Guava; utilize them wherever possible.
- Check for maven dependency conflicts.
- Excluded bundle imports are a smell; fix the problem by excluding the offending transitive maven dependency instead. This keeps test and runtime environments in sync.
- Keep the following in mind when reviewing:
- Architecture: Does the design fit inside the overall architecture?
- Design: Does the design follow the 5 basic OO design principles (SOLID)?
- Reuse: Can common code be reused or extracted?
- Concurrency: Will the code be executed by multiple threads? If so, is it thread safe?
- Any POJO exposed as a service can be called by multiple threads. Design for concurrency unless you can prove the opposite.
- Scalability: Can the code run in a horizontally scaled environment?
- Readability: Is the code easy to read and understand?
- Maintainability: Will the code be easy to maintain in the future, i.e., will a simple change cause ripple effects, a simple configuration change require a patch, etc.?
- Administration: Is the code administrator friendly? Are log and exception messages clear and useful?
- Migration: Any new or existing non-OSGi configuration files that need to be handled in the migration code?
- Security: Does the code fit within the application's security framework? Are the external inputs validated? Have threat models been properly updated?
- Performance: Are there any glaring performance problems or wasteful resource usage?
- Test: Have the proper unit and integration tests been added? Are the tests treated as production code and follow the code review guidelines mentioned above?
- Documentation: Have all the appropriate documents (administration, integration, developer's, etc.) been updated?
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