Release Note Guidelines

Release Note Guidelines

What should be highlighted

  1. Any changes to configuration files
  2. Any changes to metatypes
  3. Core taxonomy changes
  4. Query/federation changes
  5. Changes that can impact the entire system (for example, adding the Security Manager)

What information should be provided

  1. What changed?
  2. What's the potential impact?
  3. What do users need to do differently now? (reference workarounds, mitigations, or migration instructions)


The release notes are divided into functional sections that can guide users to the types of information they are looking for. These guidelines can help developers know where to capture changes. Many of the sections include Jira queries which can link users to more detailed information. 

New Features

New features included in this version should be listed here when they are potentially of interest to users looking to adopt or upgrade.

Resolved Issues

This section captures bug fixes available in this version 

Dependency Upgrades

List any upgrades to dependencies here.

Known Issues

This section is a great resource for known issues that arise after a release to provide workaround steps or mitigations users should take. This is likely the only section that would need editing post-release.

Deprecated Components

List applications, endpoints, or other components that will be marked deprecated in this version. 

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