Setting up Build Environment

Setting up Build Environment

Download and install the following tools.  These tools are open source and can be searched via Google to find the download sites. Other options include package managers like Choco for Windows and Homebrew for MacOS. These will be able to install, upgrade, remove, and set environment variables for these tools.

JavaJ2SE 8 SDK

Make sure that your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set and add %JAVA_HOME%\bin (windows) or $JAVA_HOME/bin (*nix)  to your PATH

Maven3.5.0 (or later)

Follow Maven Checklist 

IntelliJ IDEA



Install Git, the Git Immersion tutorial can guide you through whole process. The Atlassian Git tutorial is helpful too.

Make sure to add Git/bin to PATH

Ruby2.4Needed for documentation generation.



VS Code






Windows text editor

Windows/Mac/Linux text editor

Windows/Mac/Linux text editor

Mac text editor

node8.6.0Optional for UI development: https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/
Optional for UI development: https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/

Setting Up Environment Variables

Here are sample values of relevant environment variables.


KARAF_DEBUG is used by Karaf (the runtime container for DDF) to decide if it should expose a debug port to enable runtime debugging of your container.

Configuring Git

Place a .gitconfig file in your user home dir if it is not already there.

	name = <Your Name>
	email = <Your email>
	editor = vi
	autocrlf = false
	tool = meld
	st = status
	ci = commit
	br = branch
	co = checkout
	df = diff
	lg = log --date=iso --pretty=format:'%ad%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%x08%aN %s'
	unstage = reset HEAD-
	last = log -1 HEAD

If you want to be able to fetch the Pull Request branches, you can also add:

[remote "origin"]
	fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*

If using a proxy, add:

	proxy = <PROXY_URL>
	proxy = <PROXY_URL>

Static Analysis Plugins for Intellij

Setting up static analysis plugins for Intellij will enable the developer to more quickly find and fix/suppress static analysis findings.


  1. Install SonarLint plugin to Intellij
  2. Configure SonarLint
    1. `Enable binding to remote SonarQube server`
    2. `Configure servers...`
    3. `+`
    4. Name configuration (codice is a good name)
    5. `Connect to the online service` - this will open your browser
      1. if you are not already logged in, log in
    6. If you are are not already logged in, you'll be presented with the https://about.sonarcloud.io page; login using github credentials. Once logged in, jump back to IJ.
    7. `Next`
    8. `Create token`
    9. Add a unique name for the token and press `Generate`
    10. `Copy` copies the token to your clipboard
    11. Paste the token back in the IJ dialog
    12. Type `codice`. Hit the down arrow until you find the `codice` organization. That name specifically.
    13. `Update binding`
    14. `Bind to server`
    15. Select your newly configured server
    16. Pick the appropriate project.
Creating a SonarQube Account
  1. Go to https://sonarcloud.io
  2. Select on "Just sign up"
  3. Select "Log in with Github"

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